Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Passage to Canada

I decided to take a 2 week break and visit my uncle's family in Toronto after my semester ended. I flew to Canada last week on Wednesday. It was rather eventful. This is what happened.

The 3 hour flight to Toronto was rather uneventful, partly because I just slept. The flight was early in the morning. Air Canada has comfortable seats; the plane was rather empty. I was hungry and was waiting for the pretzels - but these cheepos din't even give that. All that was offered was a beverage ! Sheesh !!

I reached Toronto around 10:30 am. I could see CN Towers while the plane was landing. The city looked very green and pretty. I got off and walked towards the immigration. The lady at the counter asked me the routine questions - purpose of visit, duration of stay, details of relatives etc. Here is where things goofed up. While applying for the visa, I did not write the address of my uncle. So, I thought if I mention an 'uncle' now, it would look fishy. So, I decided to just say that I had a 'family friend' who was hosting me.

The first lady directed me to another immigration line. Oh o. I see trouble.

The next immigration officer was a middle-aged lady. Let me call her X. She looked like a typical strict school headmistress.

X: How long is your stay ?
Me: 2 weeks. I showed her the ticket reservation.

X: Do you have any relatives in Canada ?
Me: No. I am staying with a family friend. He is coming to pick me up.

X: When did you see this friend ?
Me: Last year. We are very close.

I give my uncle's name and other details. She asks me some more questions about school.

X: Who pays for your school ?
Me: I do. I've funding from school.

She asks me more weird questions like ' do you have a credit card', ' who pays your bills' , ' what will you do when you go back to USA' . I was getting extremely annoyed now.
Her questions seemed silly and stupid. Her questions seemed to imply that she feared I was going to stay in Canada ( so what even if i did ? I had a 1 year visa afterall !! ). I think because I was hungry, I was in a bad mood and gave her snappy answers.
Anyway, she wrote down all the info I gave her.

X asked for my uncle's cell number. I promptly told her that I had only the land line number and gave it to her. When I switched on my phone to get the number, I seemed to be 'in roaming' and had full signal. I did not even have my uncle's address. Damn ! I wish I knew they were going to ask me all these questions, I would have discussed it with my uncle atleast. Somehow, going to Canada always seemed like going to some place in US and hence my complacency.

Then X tells me she is going to page my uncle in the airport. I could hear the announcement. Oops. She asked me take a seat. I decided to call my uncle and warn him about the situation. When my uncle picked up the phone, I quickly spoke in Tamil and told him to tell that we're 'family friends' and are very close. By then X tells me ' sorry no cell phones here'. I gave her an innocent look and hung up. Sometimes its good to know non-english languages !!

I could see her talking to my uncle. She called me after a few minutes. I had a bad feeling about the whole situation. She gives me an annoyed look and said ' your uncle says he is your biological uncle and you said you were family friends'. Oh o. I said ' ofcourse he is my biological uncle'. X looked confused. I then began to explain ' you see in India, after we get married, we belong to another family. So my maternal uncle is no longer my relative. That is why I said he was a family friend.' ( what the heck was i blabbering). I don't know if X bought the story; she said ' but you have been living in the United States for so long, you must know what we mean by relatives ! '. I give her a puzzled look. She gives up. And gives me the stamp needed to stay for 2 weeks. Yaay !

I get my baggage and meet my uncle and cousin outside. Turns out we gave her two different stories. My uncle told her that he has never seen me in years; he is not close and has no idea about what I am studying. Some more details were also complete opposites. I don't know how X bought the story ! Anyway we had a good laugh over it.

I mailed A and told her the set of questions to expect. I told her to stick to the family story and gave her some other details. I hoped X would not be there for her too cos then she may conclude that my uncle may be smuggling many nieces.


Vivhyd said...

this was so funny.. ey u r lucky they let u in - Canadians are more friendly - i am puzzled they grilled u so much - when i drove to toronto - i had to stress to see the immigration officer - they were so cool.. u do this in the US and u can forget abt coming to the US.. haha.. u have some guts girl.. :D.. have a good time - toronto is nice but tht CN Tower is a rip off - thts wht i felt.. have food at Saravana Bhavan at Missisuaga or somewhere - thts nice.. and just hop across Lake Ontario if u wanna meet me :p.. I live just across toronto in the other side of border.. :D

Shilpa said...

Well I would hv been more than happy to come back to USA worst case ! My US visa was a lot easier. I think the grilling was because I was a student.

Already did everything u mentioned...more posts to follow with more adventures. I m staying in Missisauga :-)

Vivhyd said...

i think its easier to go by road - less tension but coming back is a whole different story :).. oh good - nothig much to do otherwise there. the traffic is horrible nah? Actually my cousin stays there in Missisuaga or whtever.. hmm :).. well do post then.. I had lots of fun myself - on Ca, Vegas trip.. will post a few pics.. soon.. tke care

kuttichuvaru said...

gud to knw u r havin fun!! n the maternal uncle story, LOL!! seems u hav a trick in passing on unbelievable lies believably!!

n my trip was awesome!! will do a write-up on tat!!

Prabhu said...

Kumudam'la varaa maadhiri - we could spot atleast 6 differences between ur poor uncle's story and ur story to X.

And telling X that after marriage I dont belong to that family --- samma reflex thinking - LOL (because it IS true). Wonder what X would have told her friends - "In India after ur marriage your biological uncle becomes your family frend :)

Cool, enjoy Canada and keep us posted with pics as well.

Shilpa said...

It was not really a lie...just a little far fetched :-P
And at that time, I din't know what else to say !!!

Shilpa said...

Nice comparison - there were more than 6 differences !!

Hehehe yeah I guess X would be telling her friends ' stories abt india'

Archana said...

Thanks for the tip-offs - lol :-)! Mercifully X did not grill me. I got a cute-looking Canadian male officer instead :-D and he did not ask me any weird questions!

Prabhu said...

And I was about to ask if A as in Archana is your cousin. Thats fun! To have a same aged-cousin.
Archana - Whats the use of 'cute looking male officer' if he doesnt ask you any weird questions? Its the same as X for Shilpa :)

Shilpa said...

Let me see what my luck would be when I return :-P

A as in Archana is not my cousin :-P
Shes my best friend from childhood :-)

Gopalan Ramasubbu said...

//* you see in India, after we get married, we belong to another family. So my maternal uncle is no longer my relative.*//

epadi unganala ipadi ellam think panna mudiyuthu?kalakitenga ponga:)

BZ said...

LOL! :--) Nice start Shilpa. Hope to read more. And I am surprised they made such a fuss at the immigration. I would have been sweating if it had happened to me.
So now you are in Toronto, enjoy lady! :))

Shilpa said...

I don't know how I got the idea...! I just started to blabber as I tried to think of a logical explanation !

Yeah even I was surprised ! Given my rotten luck - this was expected I suppose !

Archana Bahuguna said...

God! You had a tough time ... great you managed so well with your instant stuff :-) I would have faltered and got nervous probably ... :-) simple truth never works does it? hee hee ... and forgive my ignorance, but the name "Missisauga" is really funny! :-)

Prasanna said...

Great start! ROFL

Sometimes you just cannot get creative with life eh? ;)

Pass my regards to Uncle & fly

Shilpa said...

'simple truth' is never quite simple :-P
I had a hard time learning to pronounce ' missisauga'

Yup I will pass on ur regards. They were enquiring abt u and Mahima :-)

Lots more to come :-)

Syam said...

you really have talent to create some non existing cultural habits on the fly (uncle becomes family friend after marriage) :-), anyways don't forget to enjoy Saravana Bhavan and Anjappar food both are really authentic esp in Toronto

Ginkgo said...

lolz..they have their own problems I guess, when it comes to screening potential immigrants...:-)

when one has a valid US visa, wonder why they think ppl will settle in Canada..:-)

when I was in canada, to go to the US embassy, she asked me why I am staying for just 2 days..
so I said, what is there is do in Canada..lolz the look that person gave, I can still remember to this day...:-)

Shilpa said...

I think I did a 'poor' job @ cooking up stories :-P. Already ate in SB...i hv put anjappar on my list now.

My thoughts exactly ! LOL at ur encounter with the visa officer.