Wednesday, October 26, 2005

11th hour....

My mom always told me to do things on time and not procrastinate. I suppose she recognized early in my childhood that I had inherent laziness and delay tactics. Well....11th hour works for me !

I had an exam this Monday; for once I thought that I would start studying early. Guess what happened ? I could not concentrate and got bored easily. Turns out, the 11th hour panic is what triggers all my grey cells and makes them work :-) This is not only true for exams but can be used for other time-critical deadlines as well. Eg: Research meetings; I never do anything useful till the day of the meeting and then it all comes into place somehow. hehehe. Watching a illogical hindi movie can also greatly bump up your IQ and confidence level before a research meeting or an exam.


Archana said...

True! If there was no 11th hour, I probably would never get anything done! I have managed to develop last-minute-doing of things into a fine art ;-)!

Shilpa said...

Hehehe...I agree with you Rahul; the mind only wants to waste time before an exam. I also feel extremely sleepy when I have to study for an exam :-)