Have you ever had a day when everything right from when you wake up goes wrong ? Chaos is all around ?
Today was one of those days for me; not a bad day actually; just chaotic. It all began with me not hearing my alarm go off; so I overslept and woke up at 11am instead of 8am !! Good thing I din't have a class to teach today morning. I had planned to go to Walmart and get an oil-change for my car, do groceries etc. Instead I wasted all that time sleeping. It was also my cooking turn and so I spent some time in deciding what to cook (sigh !). Then I cooked, got ready and came to school.
As soon as I came to school, I had a message from my cousin telling me that NorthWest Airlines had cancelled its Bangalore flights !! What the heck ! ? ! This was a bolt out of the blue as I am flying to India in 4 weeks ! I called NW immediately and they told me to contact the travel agent. By now, the news that the flights had been cancelled was confirmed. For once, I thought I would have a smooth trip but looks like fate was laughing at me again ! Anyway, I called my agent and told her to re-route my trip. Luckily, she did it promptly and sent me the details. I would have to fly to Mumbai and then to Bangalore instead of a direct flight to Bangalore. Well, atleast I had the new reservation confirmed and so I was relieved ! I had to call NW again and confirm my seating and meal options. Phew, damage under control.
While all this was going on, Swati told me that my Prof was looking for me. I was like huh, I just met him yesterday. Was there more bad news on its way ? I din't have to wait for long to find out; my Prof came back and told me that he needed to talk to me. Oh oooo.... I was like, now what ? ! He kept speaking about the NSF grants and other things. I guessed by now that he had made up his mind about who he was going to fund next semester as a RA. Finally, he told me that he was going to fund me !! I was like whoa ! Yipee !! He told me that I will have a lot of work when I come back from India. I told him that I was very happy that I could finally do some research work. So, looks like no more teaching classes ! But I will miss teaching and interacting with students. But I will have time for research. Life is full of pros and cons....
Amidst all this, there was some confusion with the House rent; there was some fine about which no one knew. It was apparently for some fire hazard. What on earth is that ? As usual, I have been talking to people in Bursar's office, Housing Dept and no one knows anything. Finally I was asked to send an email.
After all this, I am stuck with grading papers for my class.
All in a days work...........
Today was one of those days for me; not a bad day actually; just chaotic. It all began with me not hearing my alarm go off; so I overslept and woke up at 11am instead of 8am !! Good thing I din't have a class to teach today morning. I had planned to go to Walmart and get an oil-change for my car, do groceries etc. Instead I wasted all that time sleeping. It was also my cooking turn and so I spent some time in deciding what to cook (sigh !). Then I cooked, got ready and came to school.
As soon as I came to school, I had a message from my cousin telling me that NorthWest Airlines had cancelled its Bangalore flights !! What the heck ! ? ! This was a bolt out of the blue as I am flying to India in 4 weeks ! I called NW immediately and they told me to contact the travel agent. By now, the news that the flights had been cancelled was confirmed. For once, I thought I would have a smooth trip but looks like fate was laughing at me again ! Anyway, I called my agent and told her to re-route my trip. Luckily, she did it promptly and sent me the details. I would have to fly to Mumbai and then to Bangalore instead of a direct flight to Bangalore. Well, atleast I had the new reservation confirmed and so I was relieved ! I had to call NW again and confirm my seating and meal options. Phew, damage under control.
While all this was going on, Swati told me that my Prof was looking for me. I was like huh, I just met him yesterday. Was there more bad news on its way ? I din't have to wait for long to find out; my Prof came back and told me that he needed to talk to me. Oh oooo.... I was like, now what ? ! He kept speaking about the NSF grants and other things. I guessed by now that he had made up his mind about who he was going to fund next semester as a RA. Finally, he told me that he was going to fund me !! I was like whoa ! Yipee !! He told me that I will have a lot of work when I come back from India. I told him that I was very happy that I could finally do some research work. So, looks like no more teaching classes ! But I will miss teaching and interacting with students. But I will have time for research. Life is full of pros and cons....
Amidst all this, there was some confusion with the House rent; there was some fine about which no one knew. It was apparently for some fire hazard. What on earth is that ? As usual, I have been talking to people in Bursar's office, Housing Dept and no one knows anything. Finally I was asked to send an email.
After all this, I am stuck with grading papers for my class.
All in a days work...........
Hey, congrats :-)! What are you complaining about? You got your funding confirmed? I would say that you had a super-duper day :-)!
I am not complaining ! I did say that it was not a bad day, it was just crazy...u know so many things happening over a span of 1-2 hrs !
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