My mom told me that I was very quiet as a baby. I used to talk very less and that got them worried; so my parents apparently prayed to all the Gods for my speaking ability. Their wishes came true. After the age of 3, I started talking ceaselessly. As both my parents were working, I used to wait eagerly for them to come back so that I could tell them the days' events. My mom told me that I used to talk so much, that she used to fall asleep listening to my babble. Hehehehe.
Most people who meet me for the first time, think that I am very quiet. Which is kinda true cos I don't start chit-chatting till I know the person. There are exceptions ofcourse; I guess if I am really bored I can gabble with anyone. But sometimes, you can instantly click with a person and talk like buddies. I guess its all about wavelenght matching.
And there are those days where I end up talking so much that my throat aches ! Yesterday was one of those days ! It was Sunday night and I had already spoken to a few friends and relatives during the day. I was talking to a few friends for around 1.5 hrs over the phone from 8:30pm. Then just when I had made up my mind to do my research work, my roomie, Bhumi asked me something. Next thing I know, we had been yacking till 11:30 pm. Then we went to Sukruth's house to eat pani-puri; followed by more yacking. Came back home and had another session of gossiping till 1am where even Prathi joined us. Then I realised that I have a class to teach the next day morning (today) and decided to sleep. But I did not sleep, I was talking with Prathi till almost 2am ! Then I forced myself to shut-up and sleep !! Making it a grand total of yacking continously for 5.5 hrs !!! ( This exludes my day-time gupshup)
Its kind of hard for me to accept when people say that I am talkative; I guess I like to converse...and it makes it a lot more interesting when the other person also talks. I get bored with people who just cannot make conversation and answer in monosyllable ! Plus talking also depends on my mood :-)
So, do I talk too much ?
Most people who meet me for the first time, think that I am very quiet. Which is kinda true cos I don't start chit-chatting till I know the person. There are exceptions ofcourse; I guess if I am really bored I can gabble with anyone. But sometimes, you can instantly click with a person and talk like buddies. I guess its all about wavelenght matching.
And there are those days where I end up talking so much that my throat aches ! Yesterday was one of those days ! It was Sunday night and I had already spoken to a few friends and relatives during the day. I was talking to a few friends for around 1.5 hrs over the phone from 8:30pm. Then just when I had made up my mind to do my research work, my roomie, Bhumi asked me something. Next thing I know, we had been yacking till 11:30 pm. Then we went to Sukruth's house to eat pani-puri; followed by more yacking. Came back home and had another session of gossiping till 1am where even Prathi joined us. Then I realised that I have a class to teach the next day morning (today) and decided to sleep. But I did not sleep, I was talking with Prathi till almost 2am ! Then I forced myself to shut-up and sleep !! Making it a grand total of yacking continously for 5.5 hrs !!! ( This exludes my day-time gupshup)
Its kind of hard for me to accept when people say that I am talkative; I guess I like to converse...and it makes it a lot more interesting when the other person also talks. I get bored with people who just cannot make conversation and answer in monosyllable ! Plus talking also depends on my mood :-)
So, do I talk too much ?
They say talk is silver but silence is golden. Do you agree?
Well, I never liked Gold :-)
Silver and Platinum suit me better !
Of course you talk a lot! In fact I can safely say that I have hardly ever seen you with your mouth closed ;-)!
- The very first time I saw you, our whole class was standing in a line to go into class after the morning assembly. And guess who was the one yacking person demonstrating to a whole bunch of other girls about the various uses of a broken down piano in the corridor ;-)? You!
- I don't remember ever being formally introduced to you. We just started talking.
- You are the one person I know who has gone out for a whole day sightseeing with a person you have never met and spoken to on the phone only a couple of times.
Oh, I have a lot more examples. These are just a sample in case you start laboring under the delusion that you are a quiet person or something like that ;-)!
p.s. I too like silver and platinum better!
Ohhh so many examples to cite !
Well....I guess I am living in some delusion then. Hehehehe.
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