Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is releasing today; the reviews have said that the movie is very good. I am a big Potter fan and I'm waiting to watch it. Sadly, with the Potter Mania raging everywhere, it is difficult to get tickets ! So, I am not watching a First Day First Show :-(
I am watching a late show on Sunday night in the IMAX theatre (I booked the tickets a week in advance). Looking forward to it ! Looks like we have to go early and stand in the queue just to get a good seat inspite of having tickets in advance !
I miss watching movies in India; College days were so much fun....We used to bunk classes just to watch a movie ! And if the movie was popular, we had to stand in the queue just to get the tickets. Would end up with Gandhi class tickets leading to a bad head-ache and neck pain. It was still fun ! And there was always the concept of black tickets....
Imagine how chaotic it would be if there was no seat number concept in India ! There would be a mad rush for the seats.... !
I am experimenting with a new hair color today...more details abt that later !
Imagine how chaotic it would be if there was no seat number concept in India ! There would be a mad rush for the seats.... !
I am experimenting with a new hair color today...more details abt that later !
I am watching it tonight..First day, last-but-one show :-D. Can't stop gloating ;-)!
New hair color..:-)
lolz am not much into it..my hair automatically changes color..:-D
If I shampoo it for 2 conseq dayz, it becomes dull black..
If I jus wash it but dont do anything...it turns a darkish brown..
the moment I apply even a whiff of hair oil...or the hair gel..it turns pitch black...lolz..
have never watched a full Potter movie though..only in bits and pieces..but then sittin thro a movie has never been an easy task for me...
It normally takes me 3-4 tries to watch a movie completely..in various bits and pieces..
wudnt it be so nice if they shw movies like TV serials..in half hr bits released everyweek..so that interest is sustained...:-D
I liked the movie !
And my new hair color is back to black..feels strange to look at myself in the mirror...have not had this color for the past 2 yrs :-P .I should write a post about it tomorrow.
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