Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Why me ?

Whenever annoying things happen, I would often ask ' Why me, Lord, Why me ' [ song by Shaggy].

Exams put me off, I am bored of studying for them. The latest one I had on Monday was like a memory test that we used to have as kids. The prof expected us to memorize a trillion formulae. After coming here, I am used to cheat sheets and open-book tests; so memorizing is a lost art. Needless to say, the test was awful because I forgot most of the formulae. :-( So unfair ! I hope others badly too...

Texas weather changes so often now and this is a big problem for me. I realized I have hyper-sensitive skin which changes with the weather !! As a teenager, I never had problems like pimples and acne. So, it was quite a shock when I started having these problems after coming here ! For one, I thought only teenages have pimple problems ! How mistaken I was !! It seems age has nothing to do with it ! I could have the same problem even at 80 ( but maybe the wrinkles would cover it up then). So, I became a sucker for any remedy, right from home made recipe's to sulfur-products. Anything...As long as the pimples disappear ! I got things under control with Proactive. But, when I go to a new place or there is a drastic change in weather... I have new features on my face :-( Soooo unfair !!

When I went to India this time, the pollution and dirt only made this worse; I don't know what was worse, the problem or the concern/remedies from relatives. Everyone made such a big deal out of it !! Ofcourse, I had one pimple the day before the wedding...Grrr...!

Anyway, the whole point of cribbing now is that I have a new outbreak and its never been this worse. Boo Hoo Hoo. I've tried everything from Proactive to Shehnaz Hussein products - no results !

The only consolation is that almost all my friends have some skin problem right now; so we all just crib to each other and feel better. Recently saw an interview of John Abraham where he mentioned that he had a big pimple problem too. I wonder how he solved the problem.

One more thing to crib about - my research. Turns out one of the assumptions made at the beginning had a sign mistake. So, now I've to re-derive them again ! Before you think what the big fuss is about, let me mention that there are more than 20 pages with derivations that I need to correct. :-((


Thanu said...

use neutrogena's oil free acne face wash.. it worked for me.. now I have a acne free life..

Archana said...

oh poor you :-(! Don't worry, they will do the disappearing act in time...

Prasanna said...

oh! These pimples play the villian act only during spl occassion in life. I too had a pimple the day before my marriage. Jus leave them alone, let them dry up on their own and from now on concentrate on keeping the face oil and dirt free....prevention is better than cure...it has worked for me

ashok said...

//John Abraham ..mentioned that he had a big pimple problem too. I wonder how he solved the problem.//
- simple, he took bath!!!

on a serious note try these:
1.avoid oily food
2.keep washing ur face often

as prasanna says "prevention is better..."

BZ said...

Hey Shilpa,
Hope you feel better soon.
And good luck with the re-derivation! Such things happen in life yaar. Just chill chill chill! :))

Tototo said...
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Tototo said...


I understand ur pain about acne! I am also a sufferer of acne for 16 years. Now it is not there on my face!! I have posted all my suggestions and tips in the following blog. See it! I hope you will get some benefit out of it!! If you get benefit kindly spread the word to your freinds! If not, kindly reply me!

I am a researcher currently and I like to eradicate this pimple problem from the earth. This is my ambition in life!!

See the blog!!


Vivhyd said...

atleast here when we do badly in the exams, there is just that little hope that others too could have done them badly and that could save us.. isnt it? As for ur pimples, surprising tht proactive didnt help /.. looking at the ads of TV I thought it is good.. basically keep ur skin lessoily.. wash it many times a day (w/o soap mostly) no oily food.. pizzas etc.. otherwise well dont get too tensed abt it and it will go away.. as for weather.. the vagaries up here in North is much more than anywhere else.. so at ur place it shd be ok to handle but anyways we cant do much abt tht

rads said...

awww.. damn acne! ok, try smuggling in a course of antibiotics from india next. Drink water, lots of it.

Just to rub it in - you think 20's are bad, wait till you hit 30's for the onset of adult acne *evil grin*

I hate memorizing too - even in elementary school. I hate physics laws and chemistry for that very reason. :|

Ginkgo said...

wow....thts quite a few caring replies :-)

Pimples a vida...solutions jaasti ya irukkum pola irukku

Better try one advice for each acne and see which ones gets the job done fast..and tell us..:-D

Shilpa said...

Wow...thats a lot of tips ! Thanks guys !

That would be my next buy...thanks !

tere muh mein ghee shakar ! I hope they disappear too...

I do the usual things to prevent..but sometimes there is an anamoly attack i suppose :-P

I will follow ur advice..!

Yeah u r right...but basically I was just in cribbing mood :-)

Shilpa said...

Ahem..the tips on your website were rather startling !

TV adsa nambamudiyadu !
Still, Proactive is good. You r right abt the exams, luckily I can drop the lowest...so its ok. Texas was cold last week (arnd 5 C), its warm and cloudy now ( arnd 25 C)...isnt that drastic ?

adult acne...eeks...
Yeah physics is a little crazy...but the worst is organic chemistry i think !
12th std was a scare !

Cheeeseeee !

U r soo correct !

I m sure i will back to normal in 2-3 days :-P

Vivhyd said...

hey indhae spring liyum fall liyum temp range is more.. things r heating up thgh.. ingae its beautiful outside 50s Fand bright and sunny.. welcome change frm 10s and 20s F and white and snowy.. inage oru naal.. temp was 60F at 3 am and 30F at 5 am.. now thts called drastic :)

Ginkgo said...

romba correct aa....

Nowwww....why do I get the feeling that somebody is trying to pull the rug from under my feet!!

2-3 days normal na enna artham:P

exxxplan pliss ;-)

Shilpa said...

Ok fine !! let me rephrase my earlier sentence...I think texas weather is drastic by my standards; however there may be places where it is worse - but since I am not there - it dosent matter :-)
u hv fun in NY !!

u said there were more solutions suggested than the problem itself...so i agreed with that.
Now since my acne are already decreasing...they shd subside and disappear in a couple of days...
purunchida ?

Vivhyd said...

hah.. well weather is somethin of a random variable in the US.. or atleast most of the US.. texas included. Except for may be Phoenix,AZ and parts of New Mexico.. other part suffer from extreme weather.. hurricanes in south to blizzards in the north.. so chill up.. didnt wanna give a weather bulletin but u r rite too..

PS: Y do u think there is a separate channel for weather here.. and even in the local news.. weather updates are every 10 mins..

Vijay Ramamurthi said...


Shilpa said...


u sure do seem to like to talk abt the weather !

Reminds of a chaos chapter i had in one of my courses - the weather is a perfect study for chaos and the popular notion was that a butterfly fluttering its wings in one part of the world can cause a tornado in the other !!

enna sutham ???

This would need the whole library and not just the window panes :-P